The HSS Rescue Story in Pictures
We provide this page to show what rescue is really all about behind the scenes. Here are pictures of a few of our dogs when they first came into the program, usually from shelters or literally from the streets where they had been abandoned and in danger of immediate death, of course through no fault of their own because they are all splendid dogs; and then weeks, sometimes months later when they are well, happy, and in loving homes. We have a saying in HSS that with extensive medical care and TLC, the “true Sheltie self” comes out in these dogs, but we can always see the beautiful dog beneath the signs of neglect, right from the beginning. Below are pictures of every condition from sad shelter scenes, to horrific abuse and neglect, to severe illnesses, to being a filthy, matted mess with skin infections after being lost ‘out there’ in every conceivable kind of weather and danger for so long, sometimes having to be shaved to help them heal their skins and start their coats over again. As a rescue organization, though we are so happy to unite our adoptive homes with the Shelties they have been waiting for to complete their families, we never want our organization or the public to forget what animal rescue groups do on a daily basis to save these wonderful dogs. We offer these before and after pictures with sorrow for the pain and fear our Shelties went through until we heard their calls, but also with joy over their new-found health, security, and happiness. Our profound gratitude goes to all our volunteers, donors, and adoptive homes for helping us in our mission.